The book describes how NATO expected member states to build secret nuclear-proof government bunkers and prepare a community that could function during states of emergency and under the worst possible conditions.
The book is based on Denmark's deepest secret: the underground bunker for the government and the Royal House – the government bunker REGAN VEST and the community that was ready to be activated during a state of emergency or war.
The nature and details of these arrangements have remained hidden.
The book also describes crisis management facilities of other NATO countries – including the bunker for the United States Senate and House of Representatives as well as Canadian bunkers, West German, British and more.
These bunkers are built to withstand a nuclear war and store supplies for several weeks of residence. They are also equipped with their own water and power supply, hospital, radio station and conference facilities.
269 pages, 350 photos
Book review:
Director of the NATO Civil Emergency Planning Directorate Michael Elmquist January 12th 2024:
To say I'm wildly impressed with the book is an understatement. You have mastered an enormous amount of material and translated it in a captivating way, nothing less than a qualified contribution to a significant and interesting part of history. I hope that the book will be distributed to everyone who has an interest in the Cold War.
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